
We showcased the coolest one-tank road trips to Californians.

Client: Chrysler Pacifica


With a brand new TV campaign already kicking ass in the California market featuring their lovable state symbols, Chrysler wanted to push the campaign further by adding a digital component to go with broadcast. With the new Hybrid Pacifica being able to hit up to 84 miles per gallon, we thought there was no better way to show off all the benefits of the hybrid model than sending our mascots on a variety of one-tank road trips around the state, showcased through Facebook Canvas ads. Using geofencing we worked with the media team to deliver customized trips based on where the audience was living so they could get a more personalized experience for how far a tank of gas could take them. The toughest part of the assignment was that we could only use the existing assets from the TV and print work which we pulled off through clever editing and retouching.


12% increased engagement with ads on Facebook
:53 average time spent with ads


Walsh College

